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My appearance in National Geographic "Taboo"

Posted by Vincent Psykic on Friday, July 13, 2012,
The Episode of National Geographic "Taboo" in which me and my (now ex) significant other will be featured will air November 21st, 2007 on the National Geographic channel at 10pm pacific time (people in other time zones may want to check their local listings). The episode is titled "Mating". If you miss the premiere, don't worry, it will be replayed several times in the next few days, and will probably be repeated in a few months. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it's a program that ...
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Posted by Vincent Psykic on Friday, July 13, 2012,

Check out some of my other projects:

Fullmetal Fashions is now ACTIVE!

Psykic Ossuary Arts is now ACTIVE!


Silver Phoenix Designs is now.... well, you should probably go and read the story there.  

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